24x7 Support

Ask us anything. We are right here for you 24/7/365.

Just waiting for hours to have a response from the help support team can be pretty frustrating, regardless of how trivial the situation is. That is why, right here, at LiquidNet Ltd Hosting, we give a one–hour answer time frame guarantee, and our skilled technicians normally reply within just 20 mins via the ticket system included in the Web App Installer. They’re out there for you day and night.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Complimentary dedicated IP address for your machine

A dedicated IP is bundled at no cost with the semi-dedicated 2 set-up. You’ll be able to put it to use as soon as you gain access to the Web Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will have the ability to improve the uniqueness of your site, to quickly set up an SSL certificate for your site, and even configure your own name servers that will point to your unique IP address.

Plus, if at any time you need an additional IP address, you can always have it at a discount cost straight from your Web Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

SSH Access

Free SSH access for your server

With our Semi-dedicated 2 plan you will have SSH access to the server, bundled at zero cost. In this way, you will be able to promptly connect to the server’s terminal and interact straight with the machine, without the need to utilize the Web Control Panel.

Due to the specificity of the semi-dedicated plans, the SSH access rights won’t offer root privileges. You’ll be able to to interact with your files, databases, email and almost everything connected with your web sites, however, you won’t be able to modify the server’s setup.

SSH Access


Build and manage your sites in the cloud at the lowest possible cost

Making use of our tailor–made semi-dedicated plans offering lots of options, you may easily run your content–loaded sites in the cloud at an inexpensive cost. The server strain is spread among multiple servers, so you’ll never struggle with low data transfer speeds and networking disruptions. With almost unrestricted disk space and traffic amounts, you don’t really need to keep worrying about any of your sites. Every server includes point’n’click Web App Installer, through which you can very easily apply the readily available options.


  • Service guarantees

  • No setup charges in addition to a 99.9% availability warranty with each semi–dedicated server. Free–of–cost Control Panel with unrestricted hosted domains.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at LiquidNet Ltd Hosting’s prices and pick out the ideal semi–dedicated server for your growing web sites. Advance to a more advanced server configuration with simply a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us whenever you want by email or through our Control Panel integrated ticketing platform. 1–hour reply time frame warranty.