Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Having to keep a constant eye on what’s happening on your dedicated web hosting plan is quite a time–consuming assignment. But we are here to take that weight off your back so that you can have more time for what is truly essential – making your website better and taking care of your business. With our Optional Admin Services option, you can sit back and relax, because our system administrators will be keeping a constant eye on what is happening on your dedicated web hosting plan. And we have developed a special monitoring platform, which will notify us of any disruptions taking place.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • If you are working with mission–critical data, it’s obligatory to keep a backup of everything, especially if it’s your business data. That’s why we offer a 50 GB off–server backup storage space with our Optional Admin Services solution. You’ll be able to back up all the crucial data on a special backup server with RAID hard disks that is part of the exact same network. This will render the backup procedure faster than the speed of sound. And our proficient system administrators will help you configure an automated system that will back up everything without you being required to raise a finger.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • If there is a script failing to install or some problem troubling your hosting server, you can spend your time trying to take care of everything yourself or you can let our expert techs and our system administrators complete the task on your behalf. Our Optional Admin Services package includes installation and problem–solving procedures. What this implies is that you will have the full, undivided attention of one of our administrators who will install anything you want on your machine or fix any annoying issue that obstructs you and blocks you from getting your work done.

Avalable with all our Dedicated Web Hosting Plans